We hear it every day.
Our customers complain about how their drivers get stuck at some other suppliers for hours, just waiting in line for each load. Calculate that wasted money over a whole week or a month… how about a year? We’ve seen cases where it was literally half of that employee’s time. What a horrendous waste! How disrespectful!
And often it isn’t just the dealer’s dock, but the warehouse or the salesperson that just couldn’t get it together. Do they have the stuff or not? Did they sell your material to somebody else? What’s with all this stalling?
It usually isn’t just your driver that’s stuck. Often enough, the customer’s entire shop is at a standstill until the materials arrive, so they can work; paying employees to stand around and wait. It can turn into overtime by the time the materials arrive at the worksite. You can’t bill for what you can’t build.
Our article about delivery problems.
Wouldn’t you love to save all that money? Wouldn’t you love to see each employee at the most productive? Making money for the company?
We can do all that for you. When we say we have the inventory, we do. When we say we have it we do. When we give you a pick-up time, it is ready to go. We don’t get paid until you get the stuff. We get you loaded and down the road. Ours isn’t the biggest yard, so we’re well organized. We have a reserve 18-wheeler parking spot out front to make things easier.
Our article about dealing with experts.
We deliver. We have a total of four trucks and 5 trailers that stay busy, so we must be careful about our scheduling, too.
We grew fast because we solve problems. Check the new Testimonials page of our website: https://acesteel.wpengine.com/testimonials Check our 4-1/2 star Google Reviews.
Add our top-notch service and product expertise to a managed inventory program and we will absolutely save you time, make life easier and take the stress out of buying steel. When you are ready to be treated right, give us a call. We will come out for a consult to assure we are meeting your needs. 832-300-1030.
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